
Welcome to Bester!

  • ag亚娱集团·(中国游)官方网站

    Top 100 Service Enterprises

    In July 2018, Wuhan Bester Group won the Top 100 Service Industry Enterprises of Hubei province in 2018 awarded by Hubei Enterprise Federation/Hubei Entrepreneur Association.
  • ag亚娱集团·(中国游)官方网站

    Service support advanced enterprise

    In April 2018, issued by CACE and COMC, Wuhan Bester Group was awarded the advanced unit of communication network maintenance service support in 2017-2018.
  • ag亚娱集团·(中国游)官方网站

    National excellent construction enterprise

    In March 2018, Wuhan Bester Group won the National Excellent Construction Enterprises in 2017 that was issued by the Construction Enterprise Management Association.